This game console was my first electronic game, and because of that i played the most part of the day, obviously after of the school. Curiously, and after of at least thirteen years, my Super Nintendo still be with me, and still (but now with my sister) i play it, but only in the weekend, because the university makes me feel so stressed on the week. The SNES is, in the currently considered an old game console (compared with news console like Playstation 4, Xbox One. etc.), but i like it because my favorite games was in, games like Donkey Kong Country (one, two and three), Mortal Kombat, Super Mario World or Super Mario Bros 3 (famous in Chile with the name of "Mario Gato"), and also like this console because of his simplicity and their Soundtracks in 8 and 16 bits. Thanks for reading!

And now a link of the Soundtrack of the first Donkey Kong Country in SNES, personally my favorite